Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One for the whiners...

I'm just about done listening to people whine about taxes. Most tax complainers I've had to listen to have plenty of disposable income but still keep trying over and over to make people with less pay for more of what people with more take for granted as there for them for free.

"It's not fair that I should have to pay for things I don't get to use!" OK. Fine. My 8-year-old feels the same way. She still thinks sharing is wrong unless it's someone else sharing with her. She thinks roads and and schools and teachers and cops and all of that are just there for her for free. And why shouldn't she? Mom and Dad take care of all the icky little details she's not mature enough to understand. But you and I, we're not 8 years old and we know that everybody and everything has a price tag. You want to be responsible for the cost of every element of your daily life it's fine by me. But you better stay off of our roads and out of our schools, away from our courts and I better not catch any of you calling 911 to get our police to come bail you out of whatever mess you've gotten into.

But wait... how about this? How about you guys step up and start showing your kids how to share? How about you stop buying things you can't afford? How about instead of yet another plan to regress the tax burden downward so you get to keep all your precious money, you grow up and start showing a little of the conscience that was so severely lacking when the current administration was elected? There was plenty of money to go around until Emperor George spent it all and buckets more on his gunboat diplomacy and economic recklessness. Stop doing what he's been doing and the money will return. You don't think so? Take a look at the National Debt graph (WWII to 2006) on the GAO website and you'll see what I mean. Get smart. Grow up. It costs to be in this club, and we don't pay dues just to make you happy.

OK. I'm done.


Update: here's links to the National Debt chart and source data ( I should have added this sooner -- rookie mistake!)

Source docs:

1 comment:

Lubna said...

Wow. You have a wonderful style of writing - including on tax woes. Followd you here through the reply you sent me on LinkedIN on writers block.